
Privacy & Legal Notice

eyeMaps is an application for iOS™ & Android™ developed by Konstantinos Gaitanis and Titania Lines ©2016.

iOS and the AppStore are trademarks of Apple, Inc. Android and PlayStore are trademarks of Google, Inc. eyeMaps is distributed on the AppStore under the standard Apple Licensed Application End User Agreement, and on the Google Play Store under the standard Google Play Terms of Service.

eyeMaps does not collect any private data (such as location, name, photos, usage statistics, etc…) and no private data is ever sent from your device, even anonymously.

The underlying map material displayed in eyeMaps is based on OpenStreetMap, which documents free geographical information. Any time you download a new map, you get the latest version from our map servers. We cannot guarantee that this is the latest map branch existing in the OSM.

All Digital Terrain Model data has been downloaded from the website of Jonathan de Ferranti, with his permission. Custom void-filling algorithms have been applied. All rights remain with Mr. de Ferranti.


eyeMaps is made available under the Open Database License. Any rights in individual contents of the database are licensed under the Database Content License.

The font used in this website (Roboto) and in the app is licensed under the Apache License v2.0.


There are no guarantees or warranties concerning the reliability of the shown information, neither places, streets, trails nor altitudes. There is no guarantee of functionality of this product. The authors disclaim any liability of the application eyeMaps or the data included in dangerous situations that may arise in any way from it’s use.

Don’t forget to rate our app if you like it. Support for this app will help continued development and updates. If you are having trouble, complaints or suggestions, contact us at

Konstantinos Gaitanis and Titania Lines ©2016
All rights reserved